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Can You Create Your Own Reference Materials for XRF Calibration?

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a widely used analytical technique that offers powerful analysis in many fields, with environmental science, geology, and materials science being key. Calibration is crucial for XRF instruments because it ensures they can be used to take accurate measurements and produce reliable results based on a sample. This calibration is conducted with reference materials, which are highly characterized samples of a known composition used to evaluate processes and product performance.1

The question is often asked whether scientists can create their own reference materials, and the answer is more complex than some would like. Throughout this blog post, we w...

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Methods for Validating Reference Materials

Reference materials are used widely across scientific fields to ensure the accuracy and reliability of analytical results. However, how can we be sure that the reference materials used are an accurate standard to measure results against? Because they themselves need validation. Validating reference materials is a critical part of analytical chemistry as it will ensure analytical results are accurate and can be measured reliably. In this blog post, we will look at methods for validating reference materials, with a focus on fused calibration beads and synthetic ion ore materials.

Validating Reference Materials

The validation process of reference materials involves ...

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Developing a Sample Preparation Method

Preparing samples for analysis is an essential stage in the field of analytical chemistry, as some testing cannot be conducted without it. In sample preparation, a piece of material or substance is extracted from a larger material for further investigation. Various methods can be used to prepare a sample, but the quality of the sample preparation method is critical for the accuracy, reliability, and sensitivity of analysis results. 

Developing a suitable sample preparation method for your study can be complex for several reasons, ranging from complex samples to contamination and other factors. It is also possible that many stages need to be introduced to adequately prepare a sample, whereas other methods may ...

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