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5 Different Types of Reference Materials

Reference materials are standards or ‘controls’ that are used to identify the metrological traceability and the quality of products, calibrate instruments and validate analytical methods. These standards are in place to ensure that laboratories have a benchmark to meet when providing accurate test results. Reference materials come in various forms and sizes depending on the applications they are used in, and throughout this blog post, we will look at 5 different reference materials.


Certified Reference Materials

Certified Reference Materials are also known as laboratory standards. These reference materials have been identified as the most accura...

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Do You Need Certified Reference Materials For ICP Applications?

Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) spectroscopy is an analysis technique used to understand a sample’s chemical composition. ICP benefits a range of applications in the medical industry and supports practical uses in archaeological processes and forensic investigations. In this blog post, we will look in more detail at whether or not certified reference materials (CRMs) are needed in ICP applications.


What Are Certified Reference Materials?

Certified reference materials (CRMs) are standards used to check the metrological traceability and the quality of products. They are often called controls, as well as standards, and are also used to calibrate...

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What are Certified Reference Materials?

Certified reference materials (CRMs) are manufactured as standards that are utilized to ensure the quality and metrological traceability of products. They are used to ensure a high level of quality and control when developing new products and must be produced by companies who have been certified as reference material manufacturers. Throughout this blog post, we will look closer at what certified reference materials are and what forms they are available in.


Certified Reference Materials

When producing new products, it is crucial for manufacturers to have another material to use as a reference. This reference material must have already been validated ...

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